Category Archives: West Africa

The Positive Family Front Network

Launching the Positive Family Front Network (PFFN)

Hello Ladies and Gentlemen,

Welcome to my blog,

I am reforming my blog by launching it as a “positive front network”.

My goal is to provide a forum for positively addressing African Relationship Matters: Uprooting Realities, especially those bitter truths that people and society are silent about, yet they cause pain and make life unbearable for many especially the helpless and voiceless. If we find a positive and respectful way to expose and present negative situations with facts, I believe that we can go a long way to achieving better life for all and ensuring a promising future for the next generation. The number of negative, rude and inappropriate comments I see as I flip through Facebook, especially from our African bloggers often turns me off. Such tone of comments prevent the message from getting across to the intended audience.

Trending issues about relationships, family, marriage, human rights, injustices and abuses happening anywhere, will also be featured. If you visit this blog, you can be sure to get my honest opinion of every issue presented. I welcome feedback and suggestions. Remember that you can positively present a negative issue and be sure to achieve the desired result, which is to make things better and not to ridicule, disrespect or shame anybody or any situation. Constructive criticism does not attack or demean, insult or blame. It only speaks the truth in love, respectfully presenting facts and offering suggestions that may help in resolving the problem. Love does not destroy but builds. Therefore as I bring up sensitive issues with an open mind, my goal is to solve problems and not make things worse. Respect and human dignity are utmost in my  value system and I  know most of you  share these values too. In addition to being honest, open-minded and positive, I will keep the discussions on this blog completely secular and save  faith-related  issues for my other blog, This is because I do not want to turn off non-believers, atheists and people with various religious orientations. I am open to  discussions and feedback but any of these that require  touching bases with faith-matters will be moved to my DML blog. So feel free to visit that blog too.

My dream  is to reach all people with my message of truth about life, love, marriage and relationships, especially as they affect Africans globally. From mid-November, I will also re-launch my online Radio Talk Show. Here I will be discussing trending matters in areas of global human rights, domestic violence and sexual abuse, especially rape, which is now at its peak globally and making headline news everywhere, attracting attention and action. I have resolved to be part of this noble cause.

Feedback from my blog posts will also be discussed in the show as the need and relevance arises. Please enjoy these efforts as my little contribution to making this world a better place.

Next week  I will  discuss the Ebola Saga and its impact on people of African origin. This will be followed by the Horror of the Kidnapped Chibok School Girls in Nigera.

Like me on Facebook , follow me on Twitter and other social media outlets.

I will keep writing and speaking the truth in love because I really care.

Thank you for visiting this blog. I have some interesting gifts and bonuses coming soon for frequent visitors.

Enjoy every moment of life and remember Gary Kelley’s wise saying: “There is no better time than the present to be better than we were yesterday”—Gary Kelley.

Happy blogging!